Mark Jones (10)

[Antinomians] blur the distinction between impetration and application, and so make Christ totally responsible, not only for our imputed righteousness, but also for our imparted righteousness. On the surface, such a view appears to honor Christ. But on closer inspection, this view obliterates human responsibility to the point that antinomianism ends up becoming a form of hyper-Calvinism.Antinomianism (Loc 693/ Kindle)

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Scholars today who accuse the Puritans of legalism are simply echoing a pattern well established in the seventeenth century by antinomian theologians, who hurled the "legalist" epiphet-as well as "crypto-papist" and the like-at those who were thoroughly Reformed in their theology.Antinomianism (Loc 320 / Kindle)

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We love God and live obediently because of the Spirit who lives in us, enabling us to be not just loving or kind but loving, kind, joyful, peaceful, patient, good, faithful, gentle, and self-controlled. The Spirit-filled life represents an analogy of how God is all that he is in his simple, undivided essence.God Is, 36

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As a simple being, God is graciousness is mercy is patience is love is goodness. He is all these things all the time with all attributes in perfect harmony. All the attributes of God must harmonize with one another in our conception of God, or else the God in our minds is not the true God.God Is, 33

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Christ's humiliation and sacrifice point to a new way in which believers are to love one another. And this model of love is a greater model of love than what is found in the Old Testament, since it was ontologically impossible for God to act in sacrifical love toward his people. In other words, it was the incarnation that made a suffering love possible, and therefore it was only after the incarnation that this heightened form of love could be required on the basis of Christ's own example. Therefore, contrary to antinomianism, the New Testament heightens, not lessens, the place of the moral law in the life of the believer, for the indicative has been heightened through Christ's mediatorial work.Antinomianism (Loc 817/ Kindle)

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Discussions and writings on holiness often lack a strong Christological basis and center. Without a robust affirmation of the holiness of Christ, and all that that means, calls to holiness, however stirring they may be, well inevitably devolve into a form of man-centered pietism.Antinomianism (Loc 520/ Kindle)

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a Reformed understanding of Christ's person and work- not necessarily more imperatives, though they belong in our preaching--is the true solution to the problem of antinomianism.Antinomianism (Loc 179 / Kindle)

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All things are indeed possible for God, but we should remember that he has ordained that his power be displayed in weakness. Our conception of who God and Christ are must always take into account that God does not work in the way we might expect him to.Knowing Christ (40)

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If God's essence could change, a being more powerful than God would have to change it. It is true that we sometimes read of God 'repenting'; however, this is anthropomorphic language, which depicts the infinite, eternal, and unchangeable God, who is spirit, in human terms.Knowing Christ (38)

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